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Offline joy  
#281 Posted : Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:39:45 AM(UTC)
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The photo I posted isn't actually one of mine, but I can see the constellation of Orion in the sky every evening above my house at this time of the year and I always think of the 3 wise men and that carol when I look at it. 

Lucky you to have Joaquin on Christmas Day! Lol. Hope it was a better experience for you than when you went to see The Master. 

February isn't too far off, fedupandstressed. 

Ah, always suspected Admin was really David Icke. Do your followers know about your thing for Joaquin? Haha. 

Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#282 Posted : Thursday, December 26, 2013 6:17:46 AM(UTC)
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February is coming soon... it means that i will be nearest my exam day... and i will take an evening to watch it 
Offline sami  
#283 Posted : Thursday, December 26, 2013 12:51:46 PM(UTC)
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Fedupandstressed, I think you will enjoy catching up with James Gray's films ! There is lot to discover for you still, Enjoy it
Joy, something a bit "funny" happened... When I read that Her was being released on Christmas day I didn't pay attention to the smaller print saying "in select theaters, general release on Jan 10th" So, I was looking for which theater to go to watch the film but I couldn't find any. I thought "how weird" then I paid attention to the full disclaimer and I was really bummed "oh no!" I searched on google a bit more but since I couldn't find anything I gave up. I stayed at home all day long for Christmas thinking that Her only released in NY and LA and that i just hadn't paid attention. Then this morning 26th, my friend tells me that she found a movie theater that played Her on the 25th in my city !   Today I had to work so I couldn't go.. Admin needs to get one of those smilies with a hammer 
Thank you for the postcard anyway ! I would like to learn to identify the constellations.
Offline joy  
#284 Posted : Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:41:41 PM(UTC)
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That's too bad, sami, but you still have 'Her' to look forward to now, so it's still good. 

I'm not going to be around for a while, so I'd like to wish you all an early

New Year confetti


Offline sami  
#285 Posted : Friday, December 27, 2013 4:06:21 AM(UTC)
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Hi Joy,
I have made arrangements to watch it on Sunday . I will post my feedback - without spoilers .
Thank you very much for your best wishes . I hope you and all members here have a good start of 2014 !
Offline sami  
#286 Posted : Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:32:45 AM(UTC)
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I read in an interview that Joaquin says he has nothing to say and it's really funny if you think about it that of all the people in Hollywood it is Joaquin Phoenix saying it.  
Anyhow, I'm getting really excited , the time is near now ! 
Offline sami  
#287 Posted : Sunday, December 29, 2013 8:23:39 AM(UTC)
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Ok, I'm not sure there's anybody interested in my movie experience -no feedback- here but I will post it anyway.
I really liked it. It was everything I hoped it would be !
Joaquin is amazing as Theodore Twombly. Everything flows so naturally out of him , I can't explain  it well's just what he sometimes describes as becoming the character I guess. There's something so comforting about it. 
I really loved Amy Adams , even though her part is smaller , she nailed it and she was really sweet. I wish some good director would make a movie where the main character is a woman and goes through all these things. Amy would be so good.  
Lots more to talk about but I don't want to spoil the movie for the people who is waiting to watch it. Ok, just to say..  it has very funny, sexy moments, and the ladies will love it because Joaquin is gorgeous in it .  CIAO, happy new year

Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#288 Posted : Sunday, December 29, 2013 11:10:10 PM(UTC)
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i've read an interview too, very intersting... i don't know what i have to do to post it here... but maybe you can find it by google... the headline is... I EVEN BORE MYSELF... he is taking about how of boring his life is... because he has a very normal life... then he talks about the movie too... 
I think you will like it... and there is a site where it uses to post news and pictures about him... but i,m pretty sure you already know it! 
Offline sami  
#289 Posted : Monday, December 30, 2013 8:34:35 AM(UTC)
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Yes, this is why I was making a joke. Of all the people in Hollywood, it would make more sense for someone like Kim Kardashian saying : "I have nothing to say" because it's really true but Joaquin saying it is really funny.He's just probably making sure nobody builds a personality cult around him, he clearly doesn't want that.  
Offline sami  
#290 Posted : Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:35:38 AM(UTC)
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Fedupandstressed wrote:
i've read an interview too, very intersting... i don't know what i have to do to post it here... but maybe you can find it by google... the headline is... I EVEN BORE MYSELF... he is taking about how of boring his life is... because he has a very normal life... then he talks about the movie too... 
I think you will like it... and there is a site where it uses to post news and pictures about him... but i,m pretty sure you already know it! 

Please don't believe tabloids. I'm so sorry, I bit the hook too. Note taken: never believe tabloids. what they say is not accurate and they don't care. All they want is to make a sensational headline to get people to click on it. So don't click on it !

Newspapers tend to be more serious but there are journalists who don't always have the best intentions. 

Offline sami  
#291 Posted : Thursday, January 2, 2014 8:31:37 AM(UTC)
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click :

and echo 

Edited by user Thursday, January 2, 2014 8:37:18 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#292 Posted : Thursday, January 2, 2014 5:29:58 PM(UTC)
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sami wrote:
Fedupandstressed wrote:
i've read an interview too, very intersting... i don't know what i have to do to post it here... but maybe you can find it by google... the headline is... I EVEN BORE MYSELF... he is taking about how of boring his life is... because he has a very normal life... then he talks about the movie too... 
I think you will like it... and there is a site where it uses to post news and pictures about him... but i,m pretty sure you already know it! 

Please don't believe tabloids. I'm so sorry, I bit the hook too. Note taken: never believe tabloids. what they say is not accurate and they don't care. All they want is to make a sensational headline to get people to click on it. So don't click on it !

Newspapers tend to be more serious but there are journalists who don't always have the best intentions. 

Hello Sami!
I don't understand why do you tell me this! I don't know if it was a tabloid or a serious magazine. And the headline was only to explaine that an actor's life can be as normal and bore like everyone of ours.
I'm going to check it in order to post it here:

In other hand, to me the greatest tabloids are the "serious news paper" where they lie us about issues which are really impostant, like politics which affect us. 
I want to tell you something about journalist's work, because I have some friends who are journalist. They aren't who chose the headline. It is a work for the director. They only make the interview and then the director read it... and if he founds some sentence which he believes is impressive... so he decides it be the headline.
The journalist is simply a worker who has to obey.
The guilty of all this is the system, the mass media like a market... the news papers are in the hand of big companies or trusts, and they want to sell the product... so  they create an information to catch consumers.
Have you read "10 Strategies of manipulation by the media mass" of Noam Chomsky? 

The rule of mass media is: The more stupid, the most atractive and believable.

Of course that most of things that we read in magazines and news paper about famous are lies, and I'm pretty sure that people like Joaquin Phoenix or others are used to read that kind of headlines without surprise. Maybe they simply even don't remember to have say the sentence of the headline because it was a little part without importance in the whole interview... 

And gossip around famous people is unavoidable! In fact is unavoidable around everyone people be famous or not! Didn't you never talk about the life of other? 
I had a grocery in my neighbourhood and it was the unique during a time... so everybody in the neighbourhood knew to me as the Grocery's Girl. Sudenly someone invented about my love life... it was something without importance... that I was in a relationship with someone of the neighbourhood... so I didn't pay attention despite everybody asked me about this issue. So if it happened in the level of a neighbourhood, imagine with people who is known internationaly... 
I think that we haven't to take serious this kind of news and things, but I'm reading in English language in order to get vocabulary, and if I have to chose between tabloids, I prefer the ones which talk me about superficial issues than those which lie me in real serious things; to justify wars or bad politics, or only to try to paint in blue to the grey prince...

I have seen that I'm becoming a "rocky"... It's being very productive to me to have this little conversations with you... I came here by a casuality and finally I'm visiting everyday to see if you post something. Thank you to help me with the English!

Many kisses, great 2014, and luck and love for u all!
Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#293 Posted : Thursday, January 2, 2014 5:32:48 PM(UTC)
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sami wrote:
click :

and echo 

Thank you for the link!
Offline sami  
#294 Posted : Friday, January 3, 2014 1:46:45 AM(UTC)
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hi Fedupandstressed,
I just wanted o let you know that i read your message but it would take me a good solid 2 hours to respond to it properly. You touch so many important topics , very interesting. one of the things that come to mind is the same question that Her the movie poses: What makes us human? 
Theodore falls in love with an artificial intelligence, it operates like a human mind but it doesn't have a body, it cannot feel the same way, and it certainly doesn't have a heart. Samantha can function like a human mind but not completely. So... what makes us human? What do you guys think?

Edited by user Friday, January 3, 2014 1:59:50 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline sami  
#295 Posted : Friday, January 3, 2014 2:01:07 AM(UTC)
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Fedupandstressed wrote:
sami wrote:
click :

and echo 

Thank you for the link!

My pleasure 
Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#296 Posted : Friday, January 3, 2014 5:55:55 AM(UTC)
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i think i have a response, but i want to wait for other opinions...
Offline sami  
#297 Posted : Friday, January 3, 2014 8:28:01 AM(UTC)
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Thank you F&S , I think what makes us human is not just one thing but many things at the same time. This is why an artificial intelligence can never be human .. it can only be what it is , an artifice. Some ppl say machines will become smarter than humans and eventually take over but I don't believe it . Do you ?
Another good question is: How does a human being fall in love with an operating system ?
Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#298 Posted : Friday, January 3, 2014 6:17:46 PM(UTC)
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sami wrote:
Thank you F&S , I think what makes us human is not just one thing but many things at the same time. This is why an artificial intelligence can never be human .. it can only be what it is , an artifice. Some ppl say machines will become smarter than humans and eventually take over but I don't believe it . Do you ?
Another good question is: How does a human being fall in love with an operating system ?

I won't have the chance to watch the movie until 28th of February ... so I can't know now what is the message that Spike Jonze wanted to give... if he wanted to give a message... because I have found an interesting interview with him...

And Her Realese Updates: 

But... to reply your questions about humans...

I think the challenge is not to think about if a machine is capable to replace an human... I think never! But to think about the necessity of humans to comunicate... Because we are social animals. I mentioned in other message that I know a similar case, a woman who is in love with a man who she has known by Internet, but she doesn'n know his face, she never heard his voice... she only read poems and stories that he shares with her... to her she is in a relation ship with him... And the man has created an ideal lover for her, who maybe doesn't look so much like him... So they never are going to real meet because he doesn't want.
But she feels that she is involved in a relation ship and even she is loyal to him...
I'm not sure what is the thing which make us humans... but one thing is sure, we are in need to comunicate in a world which everytime becomes more individualistic and impersonal. Why are we here talking to each other? 
I like to explore this kind of relation ships in Internet, where we haven't to show our face, but we can write from our soul with freedom, without fears... because usually we doesn't express everything that we really think in person.
And this media lets fly away our imagination... I think "Her" maybe is about it (this is the reason because I'm so interested in watch it)...
A lonley man, a sensual voice...

Have you ever fallen in love with someone who was inaccesible  for u? For example, someone who you really knew that he never would pay attention to you... I have had this kind of exprience sometime, and because you can't access to him and you can't know him really, finally you idealize him... and love becomes in a disease!
Then one day, when you recover yourself... and you look at him without idealism, you discover that your feeling was supported on an unreallity...


Offline sami  
#299 Posted : Saturday, January 4, 2014 3:42:00 AM(UTC)
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Thank you for the link to Spike’s interview. I love what he
says about Joaquin. I am so thankful that he keeps committing to “refuse to
fake it” , he could have settled, do his job, get the pay check, and still have
a good “career,’ but if he did that we wouldn’t be able to enjoy his acting, which I take as a gift. 



Fedupandstressed wrote:
I think the challenge is not to think about if
a machine is capable to replace an human... I think never! But to think about the necessity of humans to comunicate... Because we are social animals

I agree. We need to
communicate and we are social animals but we also need time alone. My friend
noticed that in the movie there was a lot of fear. The characters didn’t know
what to do with themselves in their”alone” time.  They struggled a lot in their relationships .
I believe because their relationships were fear driven. It’s nice that the film
showed this aspect of being human. 
Usually we see the “happy ever after” and then real life is not so simple !


Fedupandstressed wrote:
“ I mentioned in other
message that I know a similar case, a woman who is in love with a man who she
has known by Internet, but she doesn'n know his face, she never heard his
voice... she only read poems and stories that he shares with her... to her she
is in a relation ship with him... And the man has created an ideal lover for
her, who maybe doesn't look so much like him... So they never are going to real meet because he doesn't want.

But she feels that she is involved in a relation ship and even she is loyal to him...”



I  think he is hiding something , either he’s
married, disabled, or something else. He’s not being honest.  But  maybe your friend has been “damaged” like
Theodore in the movie, his heart has been badly damaged after the divorce and Samantha
is a safe thing because  it’s true it can’t replace a real human relationship but it also can’t hurt him as much either…


Fedupandstressed wrote:
I like to
explore this kind of relation ships in Internet, where we haven't to show our
face, but we can write from our soul with freedom, without fears... because usually we doesn't express everything that we really think in person.



personally believe that the internet is great but it can’t replace real life. I
have been experimenting with it and it’s helped me grow to a certain extent but
my conclusion after few years is that it is only good if it is used as a tool
to make our lives easier and to open new possibilities but never as a substitute, because it can’t even begin to replace the happiness of the real world.  

Fedupandstressed wrote:
Have you ever fallen in love with someone who
was inaccesible  for u? For example, someone who you really knew that he
never would pay attention to you... I have had this kind of exprience sometime,
and because you can't access to him and you can't know him really, finally you idealize him... and love becomes in a disease!

Then one day, when you recover yourself... and you look at him
without idealism, you discover that your feeling was supported on an unreallity..


Yes,as a matter of fact, it happened with Joaquin ! it must
happen a lot with actors, they are so accessible, we watch them in movies and
we fall in love not with them but with the characters they play and then we
assume they are, and then we get upset if they aren’t!  In a way Joaquin was an OS to me, completely
invisible and because he is an actor accessible to many people, he must be an
OS to many other people at the same time. 
What’s crazy about it is that he is playing the other end, when in real
life he’s playing the opposite role, even if he doesn’t want to. I think it’s a double gift to the fans.  


Offline Ex-Fedupandstressed  
#300 Posted : Saturday, January 4, 2014 5:04:33 AM(UTC)
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Interesting end in your reply... i would like to know more opinions... but when you said that it happened with Joaquin... you are talking about a fantasy, because when you "fall in love" with an actor, singer, or others... in the whole of your heart you know that it's an ilusion... because you haven't posibilities to meet him... maybe there are cases of fans who  do the best to meet their idol and become in a nightmare for him... but in this case there is a contact... in my case eye contact... in the movie voice contact... so the feeling is strong... 
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