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Offline joy  
#441 Posted : Saturday, December 22, 2012 8:14:31 AM(UTC)
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sami wrote:
Joy, I think Joaquin would make a very sexy Sherlock Wink

Sami, I’m afraid I just can’t imagine Joaquin as Sherlock. In fact, now that Benedict Cumberbatch has given such a fantastic portrayal of SH, I couldn’t imagine anyone else in the role either. Even Basil Rathbone pales into insignificance. Everything about this series is brilliant and absolute genius for bringing the stories (and characters) into the modern digital age.
However, I will say that Joaquin with a beard is looking pretty sexy. Cool Or without a beard. Smile

sami wrote:
Do you see Freddie or rather Joaquin as Freddie ? I was watching this and it reminded me so much of him, if he had learned to play that is, Freddie I mean. Pure energy!

Interesting find, Sami. I can’t say that I would have thought of Freddie (or Joaquin as Freddie) if you hadn’t mentioned it. I like how he gets up from the piano and goes to the window after making the mistake on the keys.
This could be an older Freddie after drinking one of his potions….Wink Smile

admin wrote:
More carrots of praise for Joaquin and The Master! Laugh

More (very deserved) carrots for Joaquin! Tbh, I never knew there were so many critics’ awards! I wonder what Joaquin does with them all? Somehow I can’t imagine that he has a special room or shelf/cabinet to display them all in his house, although I obviously don’t know. Uses them as doorstops? Paper-weights? Laugh

March 11th 2013 for the UK:

March, for the dvd??!! Oh well…just in time for favourite time of year. Smile

Offline joy  
#442 Posted : Saturday, December 22, 2012 8:34:32 AM(UTC)
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Will the Academy snub Joaquin Phoenix?

On the Possible Snub of Joaquin Phoenix

It’s all conjecture atm, isn’t it? We’ll find out in January. Maybe Joaquin has rankled too many of his peers with what he’s said - even though it may have been mis-interpreted. Do you remember what happened at the Oscars after ISH? With Ben Stiller? Maybe what happened with the filming of ISH didn’t go down too well with some people either. Maybe other things Joaquin has said about the film industry have rankled some people too….

In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently on I’m Still Here?
We would have figured out the distribution differently. We would have realized what a f—– racket it was. We had no idea. Money men, they’re all just f—– gangsters. If you want to distribute a movie, you have to go through certain channels and that’s that. There are all these incredibly crazy costs—like, I’m sorry, what costs $50,000, because your cousin has this company that does that? It felt like there was no way we could do this without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. We didn’t have the time to seek out alternative forms of distribution, which I think are possible now with the Internet.

....and the sum result of all of these things will be no Oscar nomination. I have no idea. Will Joaquin be bothered anyway?
Offline joy  
#443 Posted : Sunday, December 23, 2012 8:43:00 AM(UTC)
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Hi Sami & Admin (& the viewers)

I just wanted to wish you all the best for this time of year. I hope that however or wherever you celebrate, you’ll have a good time.

Love, joy

Mistletoe on an Oak

Offline admin  
#444 Posted : Monday, December 24, 2012 3:46:35 AM(UTC)
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Hi Joy,

Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you're not in a part of the u.k affected by the flooding or at least you've built an ark!

admin @
Offline sami  
#445 Posted : Monday, December 24, 2012 7:58:41 AM(UTC)
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Dear Admin and Joy,
I hope this Christmas is a beautiful one for you. Smile

Merry Christmas

Thank you Joy for the picture . This tree seems very old. . I've never seen anything like it before ... Nice !

Offline admin  
#446 Posted : Monday, December 24, 2012 10:01:32 AM(UTC)
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Hi Sami,

I hope your busy Christmas goes well and the new year brings you many exciting things!

Wonder what Joaquin eats at Christmas instead of turkey? Whatever it is, he'll have plenty of tasty carrots to go with it!
admin @
Offline sami  
#447 Posted : Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:54:01 PM(UTC)
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admin wrote:
Hi Sami,

I hope your busy Christmas goes well and the new year brings you many exciting things!

Wonder what Joaquin eats at Christmas instead of turkey? Whatever it is, he'll have plenty of tasty carrots to go with it!

Thanks Admin Smile i wish the same to u Smile
I borrowed my mom's iPad and since its set un in Spanish i found an interview Joaquín gave for a mexican newspaper. He actually says he doesnt care about the whole thing. Gosh! Hes so much like me on this

Can u guys paste it into Google translate ? having technica problems here ,, lolBlushing


Al actor le van y le vienen los festejos decembrinos.
Publicada el 12/23/2012
A Joaquin Phoenix, la Navidad, el Año Nuevo y las celebraciones relacionadas con Santa Claus o los Reyes Magos ni le van ni le vienen.

Muy claro en sus ideas sobre esta temporada, el actor afirma que aprecia más el buen comportamiento y la calidad de tiempo que un adulto le da a un niño o a un ser querido que un obsequio costoso.

"¿Navidad? No sé, no me interesa ni siquiera sé dónde voy a estar. No me importa mucho la fecha ni la cena ni nada de eso. Supongo que mañana veo a mi hermana (Summer) y a mis sobrinos (Indiana y Atticus), pero la verdad ni compro regalos. No critico a nadie, sólo doy mi opinión, no creo en los grandes regalos.

"Pienso que hay muchos adultos que entre más costoso el presente, creen que es mejor, cuando están sustituyendo su ausencia de casa, su falta de comunicación, de demostración de cariño. Yo prefiero ser el mejor tío para los niños, estar presente para ellos", señaló Phoenix en entrevista telefónica desde Los Ángeles.

El actor, quien está haciendo la promoción de su nuevo filme “The Master-Todo Hombre Necesita un Guía”, que se estrena en México el 15 de febrero, añade que, de hecho, jamás le ha gustado comprar y regalar.

"Nada, no les regalaría nada (a sus sobrinos); bueno, si me encuentro una canica en la calle, ése sería mi obsequio", indicó.

Sobre la temporada de fiestas que pone de cabeza a muchos, el histrión dice que el mayor beneficio para cualquier ciudad, ya sea Nueva York o Los Ángeles, donde tiene viviendas, es que se vacían.

"No sé tampoco adónde iré en Año Nuevo, quizás a la playa. Lo mejor de estas fechas es que las ciudades se vacían; aquí, por ejemplo, todo mundo escapa, se van a otro lugar y está tan tranquilo que ni piensas en el caos de tráfico que es diario.

"Y creo que en la Ciudad de México debe ser así y en todas las grandes ciudades, ¿no?", expresa el actor.

A sus 38 años y con dos postulaciones al Óscar previas, así como una nominación actualmente como Mejor Actor al Globo de Oro por The Master..., Phoenix asegura que disfruta su soltería y la libertad de elegir los guiones que le apetecen.

"Cuando quiero estar solo, estoy, cuando quiero compañía, la busco. Nada de eso me atormenta, no tengo obsesiones, no pienso en eso, no me preocupa ni la edad ni lo que la gente diga de mí ni lo que se publica de mí. Es más, suelo prohibirle a mi publicista que haga referencias a revistas, notas, etcétera. No me interesa. Vivo mi vida y dejo a los demás que vivan la suya".

Tratará de ser más diplomático

Después de haberse disculpado por haber dicho que los Óscares eran "mierda", Joaquin Phoenix está aprendiendo a ser diplomático, aunque considera que las premiaciones son muy subjetivas.

"Vienen las nominaciones y todo mundo opina, todo mundo se cree experto. Odio eso. Te cuento una anécdota: 'Hace tiempo que trabajé con un votante de la Academia, me preguntó cuál de dos actores me caía mejor, para votar por eso.

"Me pareció patético, se supone que votas por quien hace un mejor trabajo, no por quien te cae mejor. Pero así es todo en la vida, usualmente te dan el mejor trabajo por caer bien, no por tus aptitudes, y eso es horrible", afirmó Phoenix.

Edited by user Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:59:18 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline sami  
#448 Posted : Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:15:15 PM(UTC)
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joy wrote:
sami wrote:
Joy, I think Joaquin would make a very sexy Sherlock Wink

Sami, I’m afraid I just can’t imagine Joaquin as Sherlock. In fact, now that Benedict Cumberbatch has given such a fantastic portrayal of SH, I couldn’t imagine anyone else in the role either. Even Basil Rathbone pales into insignificance. Everything about this series is brilliant and absolute genius for bringing the stories (and characters) into the modern digital age.

Amen to that !

I find myself getting excited over stuff like this like a teenager would and i have to slap my own face to go Back to reality. I think its coz its really exciting to see talented ppl and good projects doing well. Its a thrill bec it got so boring for a while!

joy wrote:
However, I will say that Joaquin with a beard is looking pretty sexy. Cool Or without a beard. Smile

That photoshoot in which Joaquín wears a white shirt and has a bit of a beard is my fave. He looks like a Greek god !

admin wrote:
More carrots of praise for Joaquin and The Master! Laugh

More (very deserved) carrots for Joaquin! Tbh, I never knew there were so many critics’ awards! I wonder what Joaquin does with them all? Somehow I
joy wrote:
can’t imagine that he has a special room or shelf/cabinet to display them all in his house, although I obviously don’t know. Uses them as doorstops? Paper-weights? Laugh

I can see him keeping his prizes in a box in the garageLOL
Joaquin seems like a guys guy. I imagine he has lots of stuff in the garage !
Offline joy  
#449 Posted : Thursday, December 27, 2012 8:32:04 AM(UTC)
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admin wrote:
Hi Joy,

Hope you're not in a part of the u.k affected by the flooding or at least you've built an ark!

Fortunately I didn't have to build an ark and haven't been affected by the flooding. I hope you haven't been either, Admin. *fingers crossed*

sami wrote:

Can u guys paste it into Google translate ?

Not the best translation in the world but we get the gist. Thanks for posting, Sami. Smile

Joaquin Phoenix, Christmas, new year and Santa Claus-related celebrations or the Magi nor are you or are you.

Very clear in their ideas about this season, the actor says that he appreciates most the good behavior and the quality of time that an adult gives a child or a loved one than an expensive gift.

"Do Christmas? I don't know, it doesn't interest me even I know where I'll be. I don't mind much the date or dinner or anything like that. I guess tomorrow I see my sister (Summer) and my nieces and nephews (Indiana and Atticus), but the truth or buy gifts. I do not criticize anyone, I only give my opinion, I don't believe in great gifts.

"I think there are many adults that the present among most costly, believe that it is better, when they are replacing their absence from home, their lack of communication, demonstration of affection." I prefer to be the best guy for children, be present for them", said Phoenix in a telephone interview from Los Angeles.

The actor, who is making the promotion of his new film "The Master - every man need a guide", which premiered in Mexico on 15 February, it adds that, in fact, buy and give away never liked.

Did "nothing, not give them them nothing (to his nephews); well, if I find a marble in the street, that would be my gift", said.

About the holiday season that puts head many, the actor says that the greatest benefit for any city, either New York or Los Angeles, where he has homes, is they are emptied.

"I don't know either where I will go in the new year, perhaps to the beach. The best of these dates is that the cities are emptied; Here, for example, everyone escapes, they will be another place and is so quiet that or think in the chaos of traffic which is daily.

"And I think that in the city of Mexico must be so and in all large cities, isn't it?", expresses the actor.

At 38 years old, and with two previous Oscar nominations, as well as a nomination for Best Actor Golden Globe for The Master currently..., Phoenix ensures that he enjoys his bachelorhood and the freedom to choose the scripts that crave you.

"When I want to be alone, I am, when I want company, I'm looking for it. None of that torments me, I don't have obsessions, not think about it, neither age nor what people say of me nor what is published about me I am not concerned. What is more, I usually forbid my publicist that makes references to journals, notes, etc. It doesn't interest me. I live my life and let others live theirs."

It will seek to be more diplomatic

After having apologized for saying that the Oscars were "shit", Joaquin Phoenix is learning to be a diplomat, although he considered that the awards are very subjective.

"Come nominations and all world opinion, everyone believes expert. I hate that. I'll tell you an anecdote: ' time ago I worked with an Academy voter, asked me which of two actors I fell better, to vote for that.

"I thought it was pathetic, it is assumed that you vote for who does a better job, not by who you falls better." But so everything in life, they usually give you the best work by fall well, not by your skills, and that's horrible", said Phoenix.

sami wrote:
That photoshoot in which Joaquín wears a white shirt and has a bit of a beard is my fave. He looks like a Greek god !


sami wrote:
I can see him keeping his prizes in a box in the garage LOL
Joaquin seems like a guys guy. I imagine he has lots of stuff in the garage !

That's a good idea! Or...maybe he keeps them in the vegetable box in the kitchen! Laugh Wink

Offline joy  
#450 Posted : Thursday, December 27, 2012 8:45:01 AM(UTC)
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Hi Sami Smile

I have to go now. *waves*
Offline sami  
#451 Posted : Thursday, December 27, 2012 8:45:21 AM(UTC)
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Thanks Joy !! My computer is broken again and can't type very well. Thanks for the translation. The heading : "no le va ni le viene" is an expression that means he is indiferent . At the last paragraph when it says "fall well"it's another expression "caer bien" which means you like someone as in you think they're nice. This clarifies a lot I hope !
It's a very nice interview. I agree 100% with him !

The veggies box , lol can u imagine an Oscar mixed up in the carrots drawer ? Hahaha ! Are they actually made of gold ?
Offline sami  
#452 Posted : Thursday, December 27, 2012 8:46:33 AM(UTC)
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joy wrote:
Hi Sami Smile

I have to go now. *waves*

Hugs Joy! We must have crossed posts here !! We'll talk soonSmile
Offline joy  
#453 Posted : Friday, December 28, 2012 7:04:34 AM(UTC)
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Thanks for clarifying the translation, Sami. Yes, it is a nice interview with some very insightful comments. Smile

sami wrote:
The veggies box , lol can u imagine an Oscar mixed up in the carrots drawer ? Hahaha ! Are they actually made of gold ?

What better place to keep the carrots than with the carrots? Laugh Maybe the next interview Joaquin does he could let us know what he does with his awards. Cool I have absolutely no idea what the Oscars are made out of. Wood, tin foil and gold paint for all I know. Laugh I doubt that they're made of solid gold though....perhaps some kind of metal covered with gold leaf?

admin wrote:
Wonder what Joaquin eats at Christmas instead of turkey? Whatever it is, he'll have plenty of tasty carrots to go with it!

That's very funny, Admin. Laugh Does Joaquin eat the fake meat stuff? Tofurky? Maybe a nut or lentil loaf? Carrot & coriander soup followed by carrot roulade and then a big slice of carrot cake? Yum!! BigGrin
Offline admin  
#454 Posted : Saturday, December 29, 2012 8:23:35 AM(UTC)
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Hi guys, thought I'd just leave a message to wish you a happy new year!

I've got limited Internet access at present, should have full access again by next weekend.

I'm currently reading the script to The Master to see how it compares to the finished film. There looks to be quite a few scenes that didn't make the final cut. I hope they got filmed and are extra scenes on the DVD as they sound quite interesting!

Happy new year and all that usual stuff!
admin @
Offline joy  
#455 Posted : Sunday, December 30, 2012 8:43:27 AM(UTC)
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Hi Admin,

Here’s a link to some of the deleted scenes from The Master although whether these are the ones in the script you’re reading, I don’t know.


This is a link to an early version of the screenplay. Is this the one you’re reading?

How cool is this?


Read the newspaper here:

All info from Cigarettes & Red Vines
Offline joy  
#456 Posted : Sunday, December 30, 2012 9:20:22 AM(UTC)
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Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Smile

Love, joy

Edited by user Sunday, December 30, 2012 8:00:10 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline sami  
#457 Posted : Sunday, December 30, 2012 2:58:21 PM(UTC)
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Dear friends

I wish You all a happy new year 2013 !

Thanks for all updates Joy. I. Will catch up in a few says.

I hope u guys R having a peaceful days off. Smile

Edited by user Sunday, December 30, 2012 4:08:01 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline joy  
#458 Posted : Sunday, December 30, 2012 8:06:35 PM(UTC)
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Hi Sami,

You're welcome. Hope you enjoy them.

Wishing you a peaceful time too. Smile

Love, joy
Offline admin  
#459 Posted : Saturday, January 5, 2013 3:18:22 AM(UTC)
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More HD clips from The Master film. Including the famous jail cell scene (Clip 4 below)!

And the Italian promotion site for The Master:

Edited by user Saturday, January 5, 2013 3:30:41 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

admin @
Offline joy  
#460 Posted : Saturday, January 5, 2013 8:03:48 AM(UTC)
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