OK Joy, i had a go... here's my interpreted transcription!
"Yes there are places in the world where dreams are almost dead,So please, my child, do keep in mind before you go to bed,
to dream a dream as big, as big as could ever dream to be,
then dream a dream ten times as big as that one dream you see.
For once you got that dream in mind, please dream a million more
and not a million quiet dreams, a million dreams that roar.
A million dreams so loud they scream, so loud they sing and shout,
so super huge they say "hey world, guess what i'm dream'n about.
I'm dream'n about everything, that no one thought to wonder.
Dreams so big they got dreams and they got dreams abundar".
And if they say that all your dreams are too big to come true,
you tell them "I told you... that's what dreams are meant to do".
They're meant to make you see there's a few [inaudiable? - Think Joaquin was nodding off slightly]
'cause dreams are dreams and that's what dreams are worth thinking about."
Let's see if we can get it right between us