someone wrote: Hi Kitten , I am a member of IAAJP/JPC too and I know they do not allow other forums to be quoted the way you have quoted them so I must please ask you to have some respect since obviously you are a member there too, you state they say "JP is rude and all that rubbish" which has been taken totally out of context and you should retract, he is very much loved over there as he is here. Thank you.

Hello Someone (from JPC forum),
I know you haven't directed this to me but I'd like to say something.
I understand your concern but to be fair to Kitten she did say on another thread …
kitten wrote: oh on JP central fourm the are posting like crazy how rude Joaquin is walking in front of her, I just think it is his style
This is in our thread about The Master film and I think this is what Kitten is alluding to with her post in this thread. We had a very long and varied discussion about the film but this forum is a bit eclectic and ramshackle in terms of keeping discussions about particular things only in one place and we often veer way off topic. We're organic.
You can read Kitten's post #589 (and my response #590) here:
Also, “and all that rubbish” in this context could be seen as personal opinion about people thinking Joaquin was being rude [in the candid photos] imo. I don’t know if this was Kitten’s meaning, she will have to say, but this is how I understood it. Have people on JPC forum been saying that Joaquin was rude for walking in front of SS? If so, is that not an opinion too?
I don't think Kitten needs to retract anything (unless she said something which was untrue) but that's just my view and maybe Admin, as the forum owner, will have a different one, as might Kitten and other members here. Anyway, we all love Joaquin in our own ways and no one is suggesting that he isn't loved on JPC, as far as I can see. 
Edited by user Saturday, March 23, 2013 4:55:51 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified