I wonder if Admin's looking forward to Her at all?
Anyway, yeah, I'm kinda wondering about trailers for Her or the Immigrant, as well. Come on, the Immigrant's been at Cannes! I need to see these films!
Anyway, I hope we get more video soon, and I think Joaquin mentioned the first thing he does when he wakes up is have a cigarette. And the last thing before he goes to sleep. So yeah, sleeping's pretty much the only time away. I like Joaquin but smoking=bad for lungs.
Anyway, I don't know about Joaquin and the blonde, Kitten! If you look at the video, it's her glancing at him first-it looks as though he glances over when someone points out she's staring at him. There's a moment where she glances back for about the fourth time and he looks at her, and there's kind of an awkward moment where they're just smiling at each other, ha ha. The girl looks slightly awkward for a moment, the way you do when you're staring at someone and they catch you!
So maybe it's the girl who's got a thing for Joaquin? I dunno, he moves towards her like he's going to say something but then turns away again, like he's thought better of it. Still, everything's up for speculation, and it's not like I'm an authority on it!
Just realised I basically analysed the entire Youtube video.