"You don’t have to worry about your English as far as I’m concerned, Sami.
Thank you very much. It means a lot to me !
"Yes, I have seen ‘La Dolce Vita’ although it was many years ago. I liked it too and it’s also the only Fellini film I could actually name – like a good many people I guess who enjoy a range of films but who are not cinephiles."
I also bought a DVD of his last movie. It's a bit weird but interesting . It's about the fall of the Roman empire.. A 60's movie .
"Have you seen ‘Stepbrothers’? I had never heard of this film until Joaquin mentioned it so I looked on Youtube for some clips. The one I watched was called ‘Top ten funny moments in Stepbrothers’. Hmm….there was a scene where a family are in car and singing an acapella version of Guns & Roses’ ‘Sweet Child of Mine’. I thought this scene was funny but the others……nope.
Obviously, I’m not on Joaquin’s wavelength. My brothers might be though.
To be honest, this is not a film I would choose to watch, but each to their own. Will Ferrell’s acting also grates on my nerves, although I thought ‘Anchorman’ was ok and I enjoyed ‘Elf'. So, not only do I have a different sense of humour to Joaquin we also have different tastes in men.
I am so sorry but I haven't seen any Will Ferrell movies at all. I don't feel compelled to watch them . My ex used to love this kind of movies. He once brought me to see The 40 Year Old Virgin and he was so thrilled. I thought it was creepy ! I It must be a guys thing ..
I enjoy British humor much more. The best of the Olimpics opening cerimony to me was Atkinson playing that one key in Chariots of Fire. Ahaha :D his face is so expressive !!
"D. H. Lawrence is an English writer - you can look him up on Wikipedia if you’d like to know more about him (saves typing time for me – lazybones.) The reason I mentioned him is because he wrote a novel called ‘Women in Love’ and the two main female characters, who are sisters, have an episode where they are teasing someone, but not in a bad way. It came to my mind at the time. "
Great ! I know which one will be the next novel I read , thank you. Truth is that I read tones of stuff online (mainly articles) but not books. I need to switch back to old good habits :)
"That’s interesting what you say about colleagues in the music world: I think this kind of thing goes on in all professions and social groups and can be a really unfriendly way of being with people. Intimidating. "
You know what? I think I should speak my mind more often because only then I can realize its all relative. It's kind of crazy but an old friend of mine used to tell me all the time : " It's all in your mind" easy said !
"Aww…..never mind about the pic, Sami. Like they say, it’s the thought that counts. *hugs!*
Love the other pics! AA is gorgeous. "
I think she is too. I love her vibes as well ! She is a bit in the background in this movie but I have the impression she is really good. I will check out some of her movies .
Edited by user Wednesday, September 12, 2012 12:21:51 PM(UTC)
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