I won't, Sami. I'm not mad about Leicester Square (where the Odeon cinema is) but I won't let that spoil anything.
Yes, I know those kind of dreams. It was good of Joaquin to pop in and have a chat with you.

I wonder if he ever dreams about his fans?
People queueing to go to the Scientologists? Blimey! Maybe 'The Master' has proved to be a good recruiting tool for them.

I remember when I was a teenager (many moons ago) the Scientologists set up shop and started to hassle (and I mean hassle) people literally off the street to take their personality test. They used to call it Dianetics then (maybe still do. Dunno). I actually took one: part hassle, part curiosity. It was a written, multiple-choice test of about 100 questions and I answered everything randomly to see what they would say. Then I had to wait whilst someone assessed my answers before telling me what their conclusion was. They said I was a border-line basket-case and would need to spend some time in the megatron personality-restoring chamber.

I'm fibbing! I can't remember what they said exactly, but they invited me to take the Dianetics course because it would be beneficial to me as a human being, or something along those lines. I told them I'd answered the questions randomly and they were not best pleased. I declined to take the course and that was the end of my involvement with them. They were a very small outfit, in the UK at least, back then, but look at them now! Just in case any Scientologists are reading....I'm still not interested in joining!
I took a test online once too to assess the likelihood of whether I'd been abducted by aliens or not. I answered all the questions honestly and the result was a 97% chance that I had!

I'm not joking...I took the test.
I just want to clarify that the alien test had nothing to do with Scientology. It was a site I came across whilst surfing the www and I was curious so took the test. I have no idea if I really have been abducted by aliens at any time but there was that one time when I was in the woods.....
Edited by user Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:54:43 AM(UTC)
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