sami wrote:I didn't watch the movie a 2nd time yet because I like a space in between 1st and 2nd time !! Maybe during Oscar season they'll play it again and I'll go then !
Fair enough. Maybe you'll have seen it on dvd or Blu-ray by the time the Oscars come around.
sami wrote:Joy, I don't remember what comes after the scene where Dodd sings to Freddie. I remember Freddie is crying..
Oh, that’s a shame. In the digital, after the Dodd & Freddie scene, we see Freddie walking along a road and then in a pub where he meets the girl. Does this jog your memory? I have no idea why, but I have no recollection of these scenes being in the 70mm! In fact, I remember thinking how weird it was that the scene changed so suddenly from Dodd & Freddie to the bed scene. There were a couple of other things too that I thought were different in each version but I forget them now. Maybe I’m losing my mind.
Yes, Sami, the boat scene is a favourite for me too. The colours, the sounds. And the scene in the department store. Ella Fitzgerald singing definitely adds an extra dimension to the feel of the whole scene. I love her voice. I love how Joaquin/Freddie walks away after the fight. There’s just something about the way he walks.....brilliant. I would also say that the wall/window therapy scene is a favourite. (maybe we’re twins!

) The hug afterwards is amazing. And Freddie saying “It’s a fucking wall” – loved how he said that.
My other favourites are:
- The sudden water scenes. Just the shots of the water – the colour, the foam and the sound.
- The scene where they’re all at a party at a woman’s house and Dodd is doing the therapy on the hostess and everyone is in the room and a man starts to question Dodd about the therapy and teachings and Freddie throws a tomato at him. This entire scene is just visually stunning for me. The way it’s filmed is just fantastic.
Thanks for the link to the PTA interview. I’ve listened to about half of it and I’ll listen to the rest tomorrow. Yes, PTA is adorable!