Quote:joy wrote:
In the digital, after the Dodd & Freddie scene, we see Freddie walking along a road and then in a pub where he meets the girl. Does this jog your memory?
Yes, it does ! I think it's in the 70mm version. I recall Freddie walking in the street and entering the pub!
joy wrote:
There were a couple of other things too that I thought were different in each version but I forget them now. Maybe I’m losing my mind.
sami wrote:
It's hard fro me to tell because I haven't seen it in digital format.. Initially I would think that there wouldn't be any other differences besides format. Perhaps it's because you pay attention to different things the 2nd time. There is a lot going in this film, it wouldn't be strange !!
Well, yes, it may be that I noticed different things, but that’s 2 whole scenes I have no recollection of!! And I remembered one of the other things…when Peggy is processing Freddie and asking him to change the colour of her eyes she asks him to place something in the future for himself but that part isn’t in the digital version! I’m sure it isn’t! (Admin??) Now I’m wondering if it was in the 70mm or if I dreamed it.
sami wrote:I agree Joy. That scene stroke me too. It's so vivid, and you can feel the tension. PSH is on the top of the game there. Actually throughout the movie. You don't doubt him for a second.
Yes, PSH is fantastic in this scene. The scene also highlighted how Dodd’s animal side comes to the fore when he’s challenged – calling the other guy a “pig fuck” for instance. When he’s challenged by the Laura Dern character later about how the Cause has changed from memories (?) to imagining, he explodes too.
sami wrote:I agree, and he's very patient with some of the questions.. .I like his approach. He seems very demanding but at the same time very practical, he doesn't over think stuff, or at least it seems like it.. It was very interesting to listen to. I love how casual he is. His praising of Joaquin is very sincere too. You can tell how much he values him.
Yes he is! It’s obvious too he has a hard time finding answers or comments even to some of the questions. And when he says “That’s agood question” when he doesn’t know how to answer it! He looks and sounds pretty knackered sometimes but still manages to keep it together. Joaquin deserves PTA’s praise.
admin wrote:
Yes Sami, i like that scene to. I like the way that the camera is focused on Freddie as he walks along and the boat in the background is out of focus, and then it changes to the other-way around to focus on the boat. Nicely done!
sami wrote:
There must be a lot of this kind of artistry in this film .. I'm not aware of it but perhaps it's what makes the visuals so vivid.
I noticed this too, Admin. When Freddie’s walking, the lights from the boat appear as circles of colour in front of him (oranges, yellows, reds) and then the circles slowly fade as the image of the boat comes into focus.
sami wrote:It's 4.15 am here.. I quit smoking cold turkey 5 weeks ago and feel great but now I can't sleep at night. My heart goes really fast, chest hurts, the back and the belly , the throat is soar .. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor .
I think that’s a good idea, Sami. It could be a number of things and the fact you haven’t been sleeping well lately wouldn’t help. Please let us know what the doctor says and that you’re ok…you know you've been on my mind lately. Hugs!
Why did you post photos of Joaquin & Heath Ledger?
PS: The link to the PTA video doesn’t go anywhere for me other than a ‘website cannot be found’ page.
Edited by user 12 years ago
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