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#1 Posted : Sunday, March 10, 2013 9:15:44 AM(UTC)
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Just stopped by and want to leave a quick message for Joaquin? Do it here, no registration needed.

Click "post reply" and leave your message! Simple! BigGrin

Edited by user Monday, March 11, 2013 6:11:41 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Good Girls Fake It
#2 Posted : Monday, March 11, 2013 10:02:07 AM(UTC)
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Dear Joaquin Phoenix,

my name is Mirjana Stupar and I'm from Belgrade, Serbia ( South-Eastern Europe ). I'm about your age and your big fan. I just want to say how much I appreciate your work and how much I think you are an excellent actor. In addition, you're quite cute, too. With my best wishes, Mirjana Stupar
#3 Posted : Friday, March 22, 2013 11:54:33 AM(UTC)
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Hola Joaquín,
Te deseo lo mejor.
Ciao, mi nombre

Edited by user Friday, March 22, 2013 12:07:22 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Mistake

GuestBrenda Martinez  
#4 Posted : Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:06:04 AM(UTC)
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Hi Joaquin: My favorite movie is We Own The Night, y eres muy guapo, cuidate, Brenda Martinez.
#5 Posted : Saturday, September 21, 2013 7:47:58 AM(UTC)
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Dear Joaquin:

I've always considered Johnny Cash as one of our greatest artists.  I just saw "Walk the Line" and I want to tell you that you really deserved an Academy Award for your portrayal of him.  You were wonderful!  Thank you for a very entertaining movie, one that Iwill watch more than once.

Anne Palmer

Simpsonville, SC

#6 Posted : Thursday, September 26, 2013 3:22:07 PM(UTC)
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Dear Joaquin,

Hello from Australia!

I love you. I think you're wonderful and brilliant. I was a huge fan of your brother too. I've recently been re-watching some of your movies, and also watching ones I hadn't seen before eg. The Master. I also watched "I'm Still Here", which I thought was really interesting. I watched Gladiator again the other day with a friend who hadn't seen it yet, and she agreed you gave a brilliant performance as Commodus. We both said you should've won an Oscar (not that you care about that stuff).

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you and your talent (and can I also mention your beautiful eyes....Sorry to sound creepy lol). I look forward to seeing your next movie!

Warmest wishes.

#7 Posted : Monday, November 11, 2013 11:47:18 AM(UTC)
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Hello. I just seen The Master and he definately deserves an Oscar for playing that role. And what was so funny is right after that, I'm Still Here came on so I watched that and at times I was laughing so hard I could not breath and others I just felt so sad for him. He needs a good woman in his life to take care of him. As a Scorpion myself, we feel too much, think too much and at times just really stress out over the littlest things. But I wouldn't be me in any other sign than Scorpio. So stop by my Facebook page, Monique Depp, I'd be glad to see you. Cheers from the UK right now as my husband is filming Into The Woods.
#8 Posted : Thursday, December 5, 2013 6:02:05 PM(UTC)
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Joaquin...I am watching your documentary this very moment as I am typing this to you. It is because of what I am seeing that I felt so very compelled to get this message off to you. How could you have possibly fallen so very far from the beaten trail of what "appeared" to be a most successful career as an actor? You were so great playing Johnny Cash that you made it look so believable that you were him reincarnated. And I don't mean pretending to be-you were so natural in every way possible as if you had walked in his shoes at some point in life long enough that you did not have to act the role. If you are so driven to change your life in such an extreme way all at one time then why do you think you don't have to start at the bottom and work your way through the convoluted path of a new career? You are so intense in this documentary and not in an appealing way. Do you really believe that life is easy for any of us out here? You are a fabulous, sincere and ever so moving actor that it is hard for me to believe you could just turn your back on fans that adore you and love you as an actor. You are behaving like a real weirdo!(as David Letterman asks you about being a uni-bomber) You have lost all sense of humor and without any sense of character or even personality of any kind. Do you even know who you are anymore, Joaquin? Quit crying about how much you have fucked up your life and just come back to doing what you did so well as an actor-PLEASE!!! Clean up your fucking act, quit the blow and start to love yourself now! You are so wrapped up and self absorbed in being a failure as a rapper-who the fuck cares? Give yourself credit for stepping out there and trying something different. It takes guts to step into the "unknown", you are no different than any other human being-you are tearing yourself apart Darling! Come back to us, shave your beautiful face and please cut that "Manson" hairdo so we can see your face. You are so great as an actor and so much more attractive in your more quiet and mysterious manner. It breaks my heart to see you struggle in such pain to be something that you are not. Chill, relax and get into Joaquin as a human being and love yourself more. You deserve it. CARE,CARE and CARE some more! Not about what anyone else thinks or feels because we cannot love you enough until you love yourself first. I have watched you as J.Cash in Walk the Line at least a dozen times and will watch it a dozen more times simply because of you making it so real and heart warming that a person could love someone with such intensity and respect. Please come back to us and don't be afraid to return. There has been no failure here, just an adventure into something different. Who is anyone to criticize-especially Hollywood! Be real man and come back! Pour what ever anger or remorse you may feel right now into surrounding yourself with the people that love you and want only good things in your life. They are out there, allow them to embrace you and support you in whatever ways you need to be supported! Be real and don't drop out. You are too good to be lost in a place where you may not fit right now. Come back, please, you are so great Joaquin! Do you think that Abraham Lincoln was elected President the first time he ran for office? How loved do you think he was by his peers when he was determined to free the slaves? You think the first black President has jumped up from bed every single morning 100% ready to face the world since taking office? We are all sharing in being human no matter who we are, where we are from or the color of our skin and there will be good days and bad days for all- the difference is how we deal with the lows and how we handle the highs. I hope you are able to read the sincerity in my words.
#9 Posted : Friday, February 7, 2014 5:15:51 PM(UTC)
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I have not seen the documentary. Sorry. I was thinking about you because of your brother and role portaying Johnny Cash. I also just realized that you were the kid in Space Camp. I watched that movie at least 1000 times. Max in space!!! Had no idea it was you. Well, until now. Of course, like all females around my age , I adored your brother. I can't imagine what you went through. Or still are.
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#10 Posted : Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:23:12 AM(UTC)
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Hi there, my name is Stephen Shellen and just wanted to say I love your work, your sense of humor, your thinly veiled poetic fuc you attitude and what some call performance art. The world is insane, just look around and you straddle the line between what is real and what is memorex. If the world was not so strange then they wouldn't be any reason for art to try to make some sense of it all. I too was an actor and due to some life changing events I passed through the hourglass into a kooky world. I enjoy ironic humor and am sometimes taken way too seriously for it but I find it works as a buffer for me and the outside. Really like the choices you make in film and find you endearingly distant. Love that!1
Offline cadleta  
#11 Posted : Wednesday, June 25, 2014 1:48:12 PM(UTC)
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I realize this is an old topic, however, HBO has been running "Walk the Line" recently and I just watched this again for about the 30th time, (I also own the movie) Every time I watch you in this, I just do not understand why you did not win Best Actor for this superb role.  I just finished writing the Academy, telling them they got this one WRONG and that you should be apologized to by them (whoever the people are who decide on the winners).  I don't know who or how this works - all I do know is that they got this one totally wrong.  Everyone that I talk to about this feels the same way. 

Reese was great as June Carter, but you nailed the part, totally, from the acting, the raw emotion and the mannerisms,and the voice.  I just don't understand what the _ell happened. You portraying Johnny Cash and Jamie Fox portraying Ray Charles are two of the BEST acted out scripts that I have ever seen.


Carol Adleta 

Offline HippieChick  
#12 Posted : Wednesday, July 9, 2014 12:09:58 PM(UTC)
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Dearest Joaquin, Thank you for sharing your immense and intense talent with the world.  You are truly one of a kind.  I am excited to see you in Inherent Vice and loved your look for that film.  You are an extremely attractive man, whether you believe it or not; I wish you could see that and that you would not down play the praise that has been given you.  It's good to be humble, but it is also good to appreciate the compliments given you.  They are not said out of habit, they are said because they are true.  You are beautiful and I love you.  My wish for you is that you will always be happy in life and have all that you need.  
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Leoness777 on 3/20/2015(UTC)
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#13 Posted : Sunday, July 27, 2014 6:15:11 PM(UTC)
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I understand you are in RI filming the new Woody Allen movie.  I live in RI and would love to check out a location???? Any chance you could let me know where can let me know where the next filming location will be????

It would be great just to get a glimpse of the cast!!!  Just want to see some famous people. 

Edited by user Monday, July 28, 2014 7:16:56 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#14 Posted : Monday, July 28, 2014 2:18:11 PM(UTC)
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I'd ask around on twitter if I were you, there seem to be plenty of people getting candid shots of the Woody Allen being filmed. Try sending those people a message to see if they can help you out 

For instance these ladies:

Good luck!  and remember keep your distance! 

Edited by user Monday, July 28, 2014 2:23:21 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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CST on 7/30/2014(UTC)
#15 Posted : Tuesday, August 5, 2014 9:51:27 AM(UTC)
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I did a locations video for the 25th anniversary of parenthood. Hope it brings back good memories. It's on YouTube as "parenthood filming locations 25 years later".
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admin on 9/5/2014(UTC)
#16 Posted : Sunday, September 28, 2014 2:25:57 PM(UTC)
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Dear Joaquin,
This is your former fan here, Sami. I have moved back to Europe so now it will be more difficult to ever meet you ! I was hoping sometime I could exchange some words with you but I wasn't sure what I wanted to tell you. I guess, now one thing is that I'm glad I found you. Your silly Letterman thing helped me find something interesting outside of my walls and from there I discovered many new things. I love how you stick to what you believe in and now I can do it too.
This, and I really enjoy your acting ! My favorite roles to date are The Master and Her.
It must be really hard to live in this kind of celebrity culture . I hope it doesn't get to you :)
I love you !!
Montse (aka Sami)
#17 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:50:07 AM(UTC)
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Thank you for caring.
From a fan.
Hello Joaquin - The Day After The Golden Globes  
#18 Posted : Monday, January 12, 2015 10:34:16 AM(UTC)
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Well, I have been a fan of yours for over ten years now.  I think you are GREAT!  You are not only an extremely talented actor, but someone who cares about animals. You are their voice Joaquin.  I recently watched your "pig abuse" video and I agree with you 100%.  
In addition to your good acting and support for animals, I have grown to REALLY like you, your personality and beard over the years. LOL  I have a really big crush.  Having lived in NY for a long time and having ties to the arts I used to run into actors all the time, but you are different Joaquin.  I have never had as much interest in any actor because you are exceptional.  I feel it and know it.  There is just something about you.      I'm sure you'll agree. 
Okay, so if you are ever in NY or the NY metro area while I am still here... Look me up. I promise I won't be shy.  

Nina T.
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Leoness777 on 3/20/2015(UTC)
#19 Posted : Monday, January 12, 2015 8:12:56 PM(UTC)
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 I'd would like to see you take better care of yourself your health it shows i'm sure you have an idea of where.why and how it is needed and what you can do to make it better
#20 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11:00:05 AM(UTC)
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I'm not even sure, if you're going to see this. I hope you do.

Whenever I feel down, I watch your movies. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing amazing, and we adore you. Thank you for changing my life and overcoming some of my fears. You truly are an outstanding human being and actor. Everything you stand for, I support.

I hope to meet you some day. Hopefully this year when I visit LA. I seriously hope to just meet you for a minute to thank you for everything. 

Don't ever change. <3
QinnyCash (twitter, tumblr)
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