Actor since childhood Joaquin Phoenix is still highly anxious on a shoot After the immigrant with James Gray (with whom he has four films) and Her Spike
Jonze, Joaquin has just shot inherent vice. Adapted from the novel by Thomas
pynchon by the figure head of American art films Paul Thomas Anderson its a labyrinthine adventure in the land of hippies, including his co star josh
brolin, he said you must smoke a big joint to sink it all together. The opportunity to address a unique path that Joaquin phoenix began growing in an open environment of free love,community life and tripping on LSD. Inherent vice is your
2nd movie with
pta, is this the beginning of a long story, as with James gray? I do not expect anything. i was
suprised that he offered me to work with him again. I am always amazed that do appeal to me,Honestly it is not
clinche or false modesty, i have made little progress since i began,i am still scared about the idea of getting into a new project. When readings of the master, the previous film by PTA along with Philip Seymour Hoffman,for which i had unbound admiration. I was totally panicked ,i seemed to become a teenager again and pass an exam without having learned anything. i am always afraid on a shoot i tremble in every limb and i sweat so much that the prop people have to find other replacements. But this anxiety motivates me if it disappeared then it
wouldnt be a good sign. All the more confident with PTA that i had a kept a specific memory of the filming of the master the impression of having been often very bad.
i will do more tomorrow, its not perfect so if anyone else wants to add to it